Area Planning Sub-Committee South - Wednesday 31 August 2022, 7:00pm - Timeline Tab - Start video at 0:00:17 - Epping Forest District Council webcasts

Area Planning Sub-Committee South
Wednesday, 31st August 2022 at 7:00pm 









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  1. Cllr Ken Williamson
Share this agenda point
Share this agenda point
  1. Jackie Leither
  2. Cllr Simon Heap
  3. Cllr Ken Williamson
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Darshan Sunger
  2. Cllr Michael Owen
  3. Cllr Stephen Murray
  4. Cllr Kaz Rizvi
  5. Cllr Alan Lion
  6. Cllr Aniket Patel
  7. Cllr Aniket Patel
  8. Cllr Ken Williamson
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Chris Pond
  2. Cllr Ken Williamson
  3. Cllr Chris Pond
  4. Cllr Ken Williamson
  5. Chamber (left)
  6. Cllr Ken Williamson
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Aniket Patel
  2. James Rogers
  3. Cllr Ken Williamson
  4. Cllr Chris Pond
  5. Cllr Ken Williamson
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Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Jayna Jogia
  2. Cllr Ken Williamson
  3. Cllr Chris Pond
  4. Cllr Ken Williamson
  5. Cllr David Wixley
  6. Cllr Ken Williamson
  7. Cllr Pranav Bhanot
  8. Cllr Ken Williamson
  9. Chamber (left)
  10. Chamber (left back)
  11. Chamber (left)
  12. Cllr Ken Williamson
  13. Cllr Alan Lion
  14. Cllr Darshan Sunger
  15. Cllr Ken Williamson
  16. Chamber (left)
  17. Chamber (left back)
  18. Chamber (left)
  19. Cllr Ken Williamson
Share this agenda point
  1. James Rogers
  2. James Rogers
  3. James Rogers
  4. Cllr Ken Williamson
  5. Public Speaker
  6. Cllr Ken Williamson
  7. Cllr Pranav Bhanot
  8. James Rogers
  9. Cllr Pranav Bhanot
  10. Cllr Darshan Sunger
  11. James Rogers
  12. Cllr Ken Williamson
  13. Cllr Darshan Sunger
  14. James Rogers
  15. Cllr Darshan Sunger
  16. Cllr Ken Williamson
  17. Cllr Alan Lion
  18. James Rogers
  19. Cllr Alan Lion
  20. James Rogers
  21. Cllr Ken Williamson
  22. Cllr Alan Lion
  23. Cllr Chris Pond
  24. Cllr Ken Williamson
  25. Cllr Michael Owen
  26. James Rogers
  27. Cllr Ken Williamson
  28. James Rogers
  29. Cllr Ken Williamson
  30. Cllr Aniket Patel
  31. James Rogers
  32. Cllr Aniket Patel
  33. Cllr Jayna Jogia
  34. Cllr Ken Williamson
  35. Chamber (left)
  36. Chamber (left back)
  37. Chamber (left)
  38. Chamber (centre)
  39. Chamber (left)
  40. Cllr Ken Williamson
  41. Cllr Pranav Bhanot
  42. Cllr Ken Williamson
  43. Chamber (centre)
  44. Chamber (left)
  45. Chamber (left back)
  46. Chamber (left)
  47. Cllr Ken Williamson
Share this agenda point
  1. James Rogers
  2. Cllr Ken Williamson
  3. Public Speaker
  4. Cllr Ken Williamson
  5. Cllr Caroline Pond
  6. Cllr Bob Jennings
  7. Cllr Chris Pond
  8. Cllr Ken Williamson
  9. Cllr Chris Pond
  10. Cllr Ken Williamson
  11. Cllr Simon Heap
  12. Cllr Ken Williamson
  13. Chamber (centre)
  14. Chamber (left)
  15. Chamber (left back)
  16. Chamber (left)
  17. Chamber (left back)
  18. Cllr Ken Williamson
  19. Cllr Chris Pond
  20. Cllr Ken Williamson
Share this agenda point
  1. James Rogers
  2. Cllr Ken Williamson
  3. Public Speaker
  4. Cllr Ken Williamson
  5. Cllr Bob Jennings
  6. Cllr Ken Williamson
  7. Cllr Caroline Pond
  8. Cllr Chris Pond
  9. Cllr Stephen Murray
  10. Cllr David Wixley
  11. Cllr Ken Williamson
  12. Chamber (centre)
  13. Chamber (left)
  14. Chamber (left back)
  15. Chamber (left)
  16. Cllr Ken Williamson
  17. Cllr Chris Pond
  18. Cllr Ken Williamson
Share this agenda point
  1. James Rogers
  2. Cllr Ken Williamson
  3. Public Speaker
  4. Cllr Ken Williamson
  5. Cllr Kaz Rizvi
  6. James Rogers
  7. Cllr Kaz Rizvi
  8. Cllr Darshan Sunger
  9. Cllr Stephen Murray
  10. Cllr Ken Williamson
  11. Cllr David Wixley
  12. Cllr Ken Williamson
  13. Cllr Aniket Patel
  14. Cllr Ken Williamson
  15. Cllr Michael Owen
  16. Cllr Alan Lion
  17. Cllr Ken Williamson
  18. Cllr David Wixley
  19. Cllr Ken Williamson
  20. James Rogers
  21. Cllr Ken Williamson
  22. Cllr Bob Jennings
  23. James Rogers
  24. Cllr Ken Williamson
  25. Cllr Bob Jennings
  26. Cllr Ken Williamson
  27. Cllr David Wixley
  28. James Rogers
  29. Cllr Ken Williamson
  30. Cllr Kaz Rizvi
  31. Cllr Ken Williamson
  32. Chamber (centre)
  33. Chamber (left)
  34. Chamber (left back)
  35. Chamber (left)
  36. Cllr Ken Williamson
  37. Chamber (left)
  38. Chamber (left back)
  39. Chamber (left)
  40. Chamber (left back)
  41. Cllr Ken Williamson
Share this agenda point
  1. James Rogers
  2. Cllr Ken Williamson
  3. Public Speaker
  4. Cllr Ken Williamson
  5. Cllr David Wixley
  6. Cllr Ken Williamson
  7. Cllr David Wixley
  8. Cllr Louise Mead
  9. James Rogers
  10. Cllr Darshan Sunger
  11. Cllr Louise Mead
  12. James Rogers
  13. Cllr Ken Williamson
  14. Cllr Darshan Sunger
  15. Cllr Ken Williamson
  16. Cllr Stephen Murray
  17. Cllr Ken Williamson
  18. Cllr Pranav Bhanot
  19. James Rogers
  20. Cllr Ken Williamson
  21. Cllr Jayna Jogia
  22. James Rogers
  23. Cllr Ken Williamson
  24. Cllr Smruti Patel
  25. Cllr David Wixley
  26. Cllr Ken Williamson
  27. Cllr Roger Baldwin
  28. Cllr Michael Owen
  29. Cllr Ken Williamson
  30. James Rogers
  31. Cllr Ken Williamson
  32. Cllr Aniket Patel
  33. James Rogers
  34. Cllr Ken Williamson
  35. Cllr David Wixley
  36. Cllr Ken Williamson
  37. Cllr David Wixley
  38. Cllr Ken Williamson
  39. Cllr David Wixley
  40. Cllr Chris Pond
  41. Cllr Ken Williamson
  42. Cllr David Wixley
  43. Cllr Ken Williamson
  44. Cllr Darshan Sunger
  45. Cllr David Wixley
  46. Cllr Ken Williamson
  47. Chamber (centre)
  48. Chamber (left)
  49. Chamber (left back)
  50. Chamber (left)
  51. Cllr Ken Williamson
Share this agenda point
  1. James Rogers
  2. Cllr Ken Williamson
  3. Jackie Leither
  4. Cllr Ken Williamson
  5. Public Speaker
  6. Cllr Ken Williamson
  7. Cllr Ian Allgood
  8. James Rogers
  9. Cllr Ian Allgood
  10. James Rogers
  11. Cllr Ian Allgood
  12. James Rogers
  13. Cllr Ian Allgood
  14. James Rogers
  15. Cllr Ian Allgood
  16. Cllr Ken Williamson
  17. Cllr Stephen Murray
  18. Cllr Ken Williamson
  19. Cllr Chris Pond
  20. Cllr David Wixley
  21. Cllr Ken Williamson
  22. James Rogers
  23. Cllr Ken Williamson
  24. James Rogers
  25. Cllr Ken Williamson
  26. Chamber (centre)
  27. Chamber (left)
  28. Chamber (left back)
  29. Chamber (left)
  30. Cllr Ken Williamson
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  1. Chamber (centre)
  2. Webcast Finished
Photograph of Cllr Ian Allgood
District councillor for Loughton Forest ward
Loughton Residents Association
Photograph of Cllr Roger Baldwin
District councillor for Loughton Forest ward
Loughton Residents Association
Photograph of Cllr Pranav Bhanot
District councillor for Chigwell Row ward
Conservative Party
Photograph of Cllr Simon Heap
District councillor for Buckhurst Hill East ward
Green Party
Photograph of Cllr Bob Jennings
District councillor for Loughton St John's ward
Loughton Residents Association
Photograph of Cllr Jayna Jogia
District councillor for Loughton Forest ward
Loughton Residents Association
Photograph of  Jackie Leither
Democratic Services Officer
Epping Forest District Council
Photograph of Cllr Alan Lion
District councillor for Grange Hill ward
Conservative Party
Photograph of Cllr Louise Mead
District councillor for Loughton Fairmead ward
Loughton Residents Association
Photograph of Cllr Stephen Murray
District councillor for Loughton Roding ward
Photograph of Cllr Michael Owen
District councillor for Loughton Forest ward
Loughton Residents Association
Photograph of Cllr Aniket Patel
District councillor for Buckhurst Hill West ward
Conservative Party
Photograph of Cllr Smruti Patel
District councillor for Buckhurst Hill West ward
Conservative Party
Photograph of Cllr Caroline Pond
District councillor for Loughton St John's ward
Loughton Residents Association
Photograph of Cllr Chris Pond
District councillor for Loughton St John's ward
Loughton Residents Association
Photograph of Cllr Kaz Rizvi
District councillor for Chigwell with Lambourne ward
Conservative Party
Photograph of  James Rogers
Principal Planning Officer
Epping Forest District Council
Photograph of Cllr Darshan Sunger
District councillor for Chigwell with Lambourne ward
Conservative Party
Photograph of Cllr Ken Williamson
District councillor for Buckhurst Hill West ward
Conservative Party
Photograph of Cllr David Wixley
District councillor for Loughton Fairmead ward
Loughton Residents Association